2 Sept 2013

The King's Grave (Self portrait)

I'm not a religious person but I do believe in energy and that there are places where it's more concentrated, where you can feel it if you just allow yourself to do so. This place, where I took this self portrait is called the King's grave and it's located in Kivik, in the south of Sweden. It's dated all the way back to the Bronze age and it's unique because of it size, it is a circular site measuring 75 meters. When the grave was first discovered it was believed to be a King's grave because of the size of the slabs. It was later discovered that the grave site contained two graves and markers indicated that it had been used as a sacrificial site as well as a grave and the bodies found were all in their teens. I have always had a huge interested in history, it fascinates me. I find it thrilling that we know so much and at the same time so little. How several thousands of years passes but our main needs remains the same. I don't believe it's a coincidence that this grave is located there or that I posed in this specific way...I just can't explain it.
(Special thank's to Hanne for helping me capture this photo)

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